January 16, 2022

Exploratory Data Analysis
Wind Energy in Germany

Wind power in Germany is a growing industry. The installed capacity was 55.6 gigawatts (GW) at the end of 2017, with 5.2 GW from offshore installations. In 2019, a quarter of the country's total electricity was generated using wind power, compared to an estimated 9.3% in 2010. We found the datasheet that represent the temperature and wind energy production from 2017-2019, so in this article Arie will try to provide details about EDA and try to visualize the data obtained.

Data Fields

  • utc_timestamp — Time in UTC.
  • wind_generation — Daily wind production in MW.
  • wind_capacity — Electrical capacity of wind in MW.
  • temperature — Daily Temperature in degrees C.
  • Import Package and Data

    Started with imports of some basic libraries that are needed throughout the case. This includes Pandas and Numpy for data handling and processing as well as Matplotlib and Seaborn for visualization.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import seaborn as sns
    import os
    %matplotlib inline
    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    import folium
    import plotly.express as px
    import pandas as pd
    import re

    For this exercise, the data set (.csv format) is downloaded to a local folder, read into the Jupyter notebook and stored in a Pandas DataFrame.

    df = pd.read_csv("C:\My Files\Document\Coding\Datasheet\germany-wind-energy.csv")

    Initial EDA

    The first part of EDA the data frame is evaluated for structure, columns included and data types to get a general understanding for the data set. Get a summary on the data frame include data types, shape, and memory storage. there is 4 columns, 1094 rows and no missing value

    Get statistical information on numerical features.

    Data Visualization

    utc_timestamp with wind_generation_actual

    insight :

  • The daily wind generation from 2017-2019 is stable on average every month.
  • High winds always occur in the winter season in December or January, and the highest wind generator is on 8 December 2018.
  • The less daily wind generation occurs during the summer season in July.
  • However, it was recorded that the daily wind generation occurred on September 22, 2017, which means the weather at that time was not normal.
  • utc_timestamp with wind_capacity

    insight :

  • Wind capacity has increased throughout 2017-2019.
  • The increase of wind capacity since january 2019 is not too significant.
  • utc_timestamp with temperature

    insight :

  • At winter season less temperature but summer season high temperature.
  • At winter season less temperature but summer season high temperature.
  • Correlation

    insight :

  • Between each of the data variables there is no high correlation, but temperature and wind generation are negatively correlated.