Hello I'm
The man who passionate about Data Science
Let's find out my project below here

The man who passionate about Data Science
Let's find out my project below here
In this project, we will do Exploratory Data Analysis and building machine learning model from campus recruitment to find out what factors influenced a candidate in getting placed.
In this project, we'll try to understand what are the factos contributing the mental health of a person in the tech workplace from kaggle dataset. We will explain the dataset, perform exploratory data analysis and then build a baseline machine learning model.
In this project we will simply analyze used cars data from kaggle platform. The data was collected from different car selling websites in Pakistan. It contains information regarding the sale of mostly used cars in Pakistan along with their prices, year, model, brand, kilometers driven, registration information etc.
In this project the main part is analyze the turnover rate of employees inside an organization, Arie will uncover the factors that lead to employee attrition and how can the organization reduce the rate of attrition inside the company from IBM dataset.
In this project, Arie will be performing an unsupervised clustering of data on the customer's records from a groceries firm's database. Customer segmentation is the practice of separating customers into groups that reflect similarities among customers in each cluster. Arie will divide customers into segments to optimize the significance of each customer to the business.
The objective of this project is to identify whether the patient has diabetes or not based on diagnostic measurements. Arie will shown Exploratory Data Analysis and Machine Learning Model with the simplest way.
This data set is created only for the learning purpose of the customer segmentation concepts. Arie will demonstrate this by using unsupervised ML technique (KMeans Clustering Algorithm) in the simplest form.
In this project Arie will try explore the data of Red Wine and find the correlation between all feature with the quality of the wine. After that Arie will make model to experiment with different classification methods to see which yields the highest accuracy.
The datasheet of this project is pretty simple, so Arie will try to simply explore the data of Wind Energy in Germany 2017-2019 and find the interesting insight from the data.
In this project Arie will try to simply explore the data of House Prices and find the interesting insight from the data. Its an incredible alternative for modernized and expanded vesion of the often cited Boston Housing dataset.
In this project Arie will provide details about Exploratory Data Analysis of the telecomunication company and try to visualize the data obtained so that Arie can make actionable insights to retain and increase customers lifetime values.