January 24, 2021

Mall Customer Segmentation

You own the mall and want to understand the customers like who can be easily converge (Target Customers) so that the sense can be given to marketing team and plan the strategy accordingly. By the end of this case study , you would be able to answer below questions.

  • How to achieve customer segmentation using machine learning algorithm (KMeans Clustering) in Python in simplest way?
  • Who are your target customers with whom you can start marketing strategy (easy to converse)?
  • How the marketing strategy works in real world?
  • Data Understanding

  • CustomerID — Unique ID assigned to the customer
  • Gender — Gender of the customer
  • Age — Age of the customer
  • Annual Income (k$) — Annual Income of the customee
  • Spending Score (1-100) — Score assigned by the mall based on customer behavior and spending nature
  • Import Package and Data

    Started with imports of some basic libraries that are needed throughout the case. This includes Pandas and Numpy for data handling and processing as well as Matplotlib and Seaborn for visualization.

    import pandas as pd 
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plotly.express as px
    import seaborn as sns
    import sys
    import warnings
    if not sys.warnoptions:

    For this exercise, the data set (.csv format) is downloaded to a local folder, read into the Jupyter notebook and stored in a Pandas DataFrame.

    df = pd.read_csv('C:\My Files\Document\Coding\Datasheet\Mall_Customers.csv')

    Exploratory Data Analysis

    I see an ID column here, I'll drop it right away because the ID is just a unique number that identifies each row, not a feature therefore ID column is meaningless in this analysis.

    df.drop('CustomerID', axis=1, inplace = True)

    The first part of EDA the data frame is evaluated for structure, columns included and data types to get a general understanding for the data set. Get a summary on the data frame include data types, shape, and memory storage.

    Lets check the missing value from the predictor, and there are no missing values and all the predictor variables are numerical.

    Get statistical information on numerical features.

    We saw multiple values of data with the .describe( ) method. What caught my attention here was the height of the standard deviations. Because in the column whose average is 50, about half of it, that is 25 standard deviations, there is also the same situation in the annual income. The Age column also has a standard deviation of about 33% compared to the mean. Lets look the correlation:

    From the picture above, it can be seen that the older customers have less income and therefore spend less money. Lets find the distribution of Spending Score, Age, and Annual Income.

    The distributions are generally similar to the normal distribution, with only a few standard deviations. The 'more normal' distribution among the distributions is the 'Spending Score'. That's good because it's our target column.

    We converted the 'Gender' column to numeric using the 'Label Encoder'. Male --> 1 , Female --> 0

    # Before-After Label Encoder
    from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
    print('\033[0;32m' + 'Before Label Encoder\n' + '\033[0m' + '\033[0;32m', df['Gender'])
    le = LabelEncoder()
    df['Gender'] = le.fit_transform(df.iloc[:,0])
    print('\033[0;31m' + '\n\nAfter Label Encoder\n' + '\033[0m' + '\033[0;31m', df['Gender'])

    Lets calculate how much to shop for which gender.

    spending_score_male = 0
    spending_score_female = 0
    for i in range(len(df)):
        if df['Gender'][i] == 1:
            spending_score_male = spending_score_male + df['Spending Score (1-100)'][i]
        if df['Gender'][i] == 0:
            spending_score_female = spending_score_female + df['Spending Score (1-100)'][i]
    print('\033[1m' + '\033[93m' + f'Males Spending Score  : {spending_score_male}')
    print('\033[1m' + '\033[93m' + f'Females Spending Score: {spending_score_female}')

    We found that Males spending score = 4269 and Females spending score = 5771. Lets try to understand the relationship between gender and spending score.

    From the picture above, we can understand that There is no significant difference in the mean spending scores of males and females. Since the mean spending scores are very close to each other, the difference between the total spending scores is the difference between the number of male and female customers, but this difference is not serious. Considering all this, it would be meaningless to choose a gender-based target audience.

    Let's look at the relationship between Age and Spending score.

    People between the ages of 20-40 have made more purchases, considering the inference we just made about women, we can make our target audience more specific.

    Let's look at the relationship between Annual Income and Spending Score

    One of the two regions shown can be selected as the target audience. Even though the number of people whose annual income is between (40-60)k$ is higher (we understand this from the number of data points), the number of that audience is higher but the spending score is low, so if we make shopping attractive for them by choosing the target audience from the two regions above, we will see more profit can be made.


    Clustering (4 Variables)

    Since we will be doing clustering with 4 variables, I will reduce the size, because after the clustering, I may have trouble in 3D visualization while visualizing. I will do the dimension reduction with PCA, PCA works like this: for example we have a dataset with 4 columns, we want to make it as many columns as we want, I will reduce it to 2 columns.
    x = df.iloc[:,0:].values 
    print("\033[1;31m"  + f'X data before PCA:\n {x[0:5]}')
    # standardization before PCA
    from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
    sc = StandardScaler()
    X = sc.fit_transform(x)
    # PCA
    from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
    pca = PCA(n_components = 2) 
    X_2D = pca.fit_transform(X)
    print("\033[0;32m" + f'\nX data after PCA:\n {X_2D[0:5,:]}')

    As you can see, X data, which we defined as 4 dimensional (red part), has now been reduced to 2 dimensions (green part). After that we need to find optimum number of clusters using Elbow Method.

    We found '4' is optimum number of clusters. Because the most break in the chart is at that point. This is how we will select the next optimal n_clusters. And we can see the cluster visualization below with the centroid.

    Clustering (Age & Annual Income & Spending Score)

    We found '6' is optimum number of clusters. Because the most break in the chart is at that point. And we can see the cluster visualization below with the centroid.

    Clustering (Age & Annual Income)

    We found '2' is optimum number of clusters. Because the most break in the chart is at that point. And we can see the cluster visualization below with the centroid.

    Clustering (Annual Income & Spending Score)

    We found '5' is optimum number of clusters. Because the most break in the chart is at that point. And we can see the cluster visualization below with the centroid.

    Clustering (Age & Spending Score)

    We found '4' is optimum number of clusters. Because the most break in the chart is at that point. And we can see the cluster visualization below with the centroid.


  • It seems very clear that there is no big difference between male and female customers, so a gender-based audience should not be chosen.
  • In addition, it seems that the audience between the ages of 20-40 spend more in this store compared to people in other age groups, making special campaigns for the audience between the ages of 20-40 can increase the profit of the supermarket.
  • This is not the optimal strategy, but it could be an alternative. Since the average spending scores of middle-income (40k-70k dollars) customers in this store are also at a medium level, it is difficult to increase their spending to higher levels because their income is not conducive to this, but by making campaigns to increase the number of these customers, the store can increase its profit by acquiring more middle-income customers.
  • I think the best strategy would be to target high-income customers. The reason is that some of the high-income customers spend high, while a significant portion of these customers spend low, there may be some things that low-spenders are not satisfied. Improvements to be made in service and quality can increase the spending of high-income customers who come to the store, but do not.
  • The distribution of the data was generally good, but the standard deviations were a little high and there was no significant positive correlation between the data, only a negative correlation between age and spending score that could be important, showing us that older people who choose this supermarket spend less money than people in other age groups.